How To Find Out What Engagement Ring Your Partner Wants (Secretly!)

If you're reading this, you're probably about to pop the big question and are worried about finding the perfect engagement ring for your sweetie. We get it! Talk about a significant purchase — one that makes a statement for life. And because your partner will be the one wearing it every day, you’re going to want to do some legwork (a.k.a. sneaky reconnaissance) to make sure they’re getting the ring of their dreams. No pressure, right? But don’t fret, your BN fairy godmothers are here to help!

You have picked an excellent year to propose — there have never been more affordable and beautiful engagement ring options available with just a few mouse clicks. Whether you're looking for a cheaper alternative to diamonds or want to be more eco-conscious (or both!), moissanite is the way to go. These dazzling lab-grown gems are not only more brilliant than traditional diamonds but also extremely durable and naturally sustainable.

You can follow these tips from us to find the best engagement ring.

Enlist the guidance of close friends

Enlisting the help of your partner's friends is an age-old, tried-and-true method for a reason, and it may be one of the safest tricks in the book. Your S.O. has probably told their bestie about their dream ring, so why not go straight to the source, and ask them what they know?

Take a look at their Pinterest page

Before Pinterest, how did we even plan weddings? Ask any millennial woman, and they'll tell you that they had a wedding Pinterest board long before they met their future spouse. If you land on their profile, look through their boards for wedding inspiration or enlist the help of a friend. If you're not sure if they have a Pinterest account, search their other social media handles with the word 'Pinterest'; it might be the same name!

Consider their overall look

This is significant! When it comes to finding your partner's dream ring — something they'll actually love and wear for the rest of their lives — you must take their personal style into account. Make a list of adjectives that describe their aesthetic and then choose a design based on them.

Take inspiration from their current jewellery

If your sweetie wears jewellery, your job is about to become a lot easier. You can narrow down certain aspects of the ring's design by taking cues from what they already wear. Their jewellery box can tell you whether they prefer silver, gold, rose gold, vintage, modern, and so on.

Plan a shopping trip to the mall

This one will require a little more finesse but try suggesting a trip to the mall with your partner for something innocent, like a new pair of jeans. They casually walk by the jeweller, observing any lingering and noting any styles that catch their eye. There's no guarantee they won't have a sneaky suspicion of what you're up to, but hey, that's a risk worth taking!

Be sure to buy the best ring from some of the known brands. If you want some amazing shoes and dresses, keep an eye on Bride Now.

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